Wet n Wild Megalast Polish in Coast to Coast - Sammy Makes Six

Wet n Wild Megalast Polish in Coast to Coast

Wet n Wild Megalast Polish in Coast to Coast is from a summer collection that somehow I missed and only happen to have three of the shades because I found them at Rite Aid during the fall. So blue polish has become one of my favorite shades to wear this year, and that is biggie because I don't think I ever wore blue before. Before this year, it didn't seem like blue was a natural color for nails and if you've never tried blue polish you might feel the same. But now it has totally grown on me.

Coast to Coast is not the most pigmented nail polish, which is the same case as the other two shades I own from this collection. I wore two coats for the first few days and you could see through the color when the sun hit my nails. When I added the third coat it made the color and appearance a lot better.

This color really is vavavoom to me, I love how it looks on my longer nails. NOT all shades look as good on my nails when they get this long: blacks, whites and even some purples look better on shorter nails and I will feel uncomfortable wearing them. But I feel all my blue polishes look just great on this longer length.

Coast to Coast has very subtle shimmers hidden in the polish but they don't really show 
up out of the bottle. 

I know blue polish isn't everyone's forte, but for me this is a complete stunner.