Change Your Oil While You Shop - Sammy Makes Six

Change Your Oil While You Shop

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBias

I've been pretty spoiled in my life. At the age of 18 I had my first car which was a brand new car and every vehicle that I ever drove after that came new from a dealer ship. With my last car before this one, a Volvo V70, I didn't even have to worry about the maintenance. Every certain amount of miles, Volvo would call me and I would drive over to take my car. They would shuttle me back to work or I would sit in their fancy lobby enjoying hot coffee while waiting for my oil change or other maintenance to be taken care if. What a life that was!! I WAS NOT prepared for the delights that come with owning a used car and just how often I keep finding myself at the mechanics and DMV. It's not been fun, but today at least I was able to knock another thing off my list while attending to my weekly shopping trip. The oil warning started going off on the car almost a month ago, but you know how it goes, I kept meaning to go and next thing you know, it's a month later. Little did I know that the same Walmart that I am at a few times a week could have been taking care of my oil change. Yesterday I went into the Automotive Center and asked for the Pit Crew Oil Change which is $26.88 for 5 quartz of Pennzoil oil: a traditional oil base, fortified with Active Cleaning Agents™ to continuously prevent dirt and contaminants from creating performance-robbing deposits. 

  • All Pennzoil products help clean out sludge lesser oils leave behind.
  • Pennzoil is designed for complete protection and will allow you to drive an extra of 550 miles per year vs. a dirty engine.
  • No other motor oil provides better protection from friction

Now that my car would be getting some tender loving care, I could run my other errand of grocery shopping. I was told my car would only take about 20 minutes, but I would be fine taking the 30-40 minutes I usually take. It's Walmart, who can just walk in and out? We like to really take advantage of our store and we started in the home & garden section so I could look at some options for Spring planting.

This is the kid who was told NOT to touch the cactus plants. Ouch!

With Spring on the horizon we've also been thinking about getting some outdoor seating. We found two great options that swing. I can see myself napping in these with a good book early evenings on my porch. 

You can't take a trip to Walmart without stopping by to look at the fishes. Sammy has been asking for pet fish forever, BUT I am traumatized from finding floating fish when I was younger and will never allow it. Still we can go and visit them once a week. 

And of course we had to check out the toys. I'm the parent/grandparent that gets suckered into buying something every time. I don't know why I just can't say no!

Then I grabbed the few things on my shopping list. I had already done a larger run for the weekly haul but had forgotten a few important items like chocolate chip muffins. Those are my vice, I tell ya!

Before heading back for the car we even had time to get ourselves a hot fudge sundae. 

 All oil changes should be this entertaining and fun. I found it super convenient to be able to do my window shopping and my grocery shopping instead of just sitting in a waiting room looking at a bunch of strangers. This is multitasking at its best and I can cross oil change of my to-do-list. You should change your oil every 3000-5000 miles so I won't have to stress this for a few months. If you like to change your own oil, checkout the current promotion from IbottaOffer: $5 off one 5-quart bottle of Pennzoil Platinum with PurePlus Technology. 

THREE  lucky winners will each win a trip to one of the Richard Petty Driving Experiences (each trip valued at $1,100).

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