Better Skin From the Inside Out? - Sammy Makes Six

Better Skin From the Inside Out?

This is a sponsored post in partnership with PURENEW. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This July I turned 45 years old and while I don't feel like an "old lady" I can definitely see all the changes my face and skin have taken over the past 5 years. It's not just the overall sagging look of my skin that is super noticeable, it's the way that it's no longer as bright and clear as it used to be. There is a constant dull look to my skin that is only helped by adding multiple steps to my skincare regimen and there is a lot more texture and hyper-pigmentation than I've ever had before.

I don't feel old at the age of 45, by any means. I've actually found my 40's to be some of the best years I have ever had. I've finally come into my own when it comes to feeling confident in myself. But there are days that my skin betrays me and makes me look like I am older than my years. If you're near my age or past it, then you know how awful that feels. No, I don't want to turn back the hands of time and be in my 30's or even 20's again. But I would love to recuperate some of the old elasticity my skin used to have and really work to fight those wrinkles that are standing by ready to walk all over my face. I'd love to wake up to a bight complexion that isn't covered in dullness and new sun spots.

I've been hearing a lot about beauty supplements recently and would be lying if I said my interest wasn't piqued. After all, I do incorporate supplements into mine and my family's daily life. Could the addition of a dietary supplement geared to care for my skin, take my current skincare regimen up a notch, help it fight advanced signs of aging and give me better skin overall?

With that in mind I was very excited at the opportunity to try PURENEW supplements. 


Available in two versions to address specific age-related issues:

Essential Skin Clear for women in their 20's and 30's 
Your 20s and 30s are the most critical time for optimizing your skin health – the way you care for it now will determine future skin quality. Essential Skin Clear is fundamental formulation for those age 20+ that rehydrates and promotes healthy, glowing skin, relieves clogged pores, and fights fine lines, dark spots and sensitive skin condition.

Professional Skin Clear for women 35+
In your 40s and 50s, expression lines and dark spots on your face become more visible due to cumulative sun exposure and free radicals. Professional Skin Clear is advanced skin care aimed at reducing wrinkles and promoting clear skin in women age 35+. The ingredients nourish your skin from the inside out, regenerating healthy skin cells and increasing collagen, boosting moisture and elasticity to reduce wrinkles, reducing formation of both visible and hidden age spots and brightening skin tone.

PURENEW supplements also help to promote hair growth and help strengthen both hair and nails, which is something I am already taking another supplement for. I am all about paring down and simplifying my routine, and being able to knock out a whole step/product means less time and money spent on my skincare.

PURENEW supplements are easy to incorporate into your daily life. You can pop a daily pack into your bag if you're heading out early or will be having breakfast out. It is suggested that you take 1 packet daily after meals so I love the ease of the daily pack.

After taking PURENEW for 10 days I do already see changes in my skin. It feels softer and seems to have acquired a brightness similar to the one I get from my Vitamin C serum (one of my favorite skincare products), and that's because Vitamin C is high on the ingredient deck of PURENEW Professional Skin Clear.

I'd love to see what changes my skin would make with continued use of this product, as it's hard to see real results in the small amount of time I have been taking them. But since I am already seeing an improvement in my skin health, I can only imagine that with more time the results would be pretty impressive.

I do realize that there is no such thing as a "magic pill" that will make my skin perfect on its own.  Skin health is not something you can come by as if by magic, you do have to drink water, protect your skin from the sun and lead an overall healthier life to be able to reap healthy skin. But if a product like PURENEW Professional Skin Clear can boost my existent skin care regimen and maybe even cut out some products, then it's definitely something I would consider for the long-haul.

Get more information about PURENEW products by visiting their site online.

Please make sure to consult with your physician before starting any new dietary supplement, especially if you're a woman who is pregnant or trying to get pregnant.