Yummy Granola & Banana Pancakes - Sammy Makes Six

Yummy Granola & Banana Pancakes

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Quaker. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #LoveMyCereal #QuakerUp

One of the most un-fun parts about being a parent, is dealing with picky eaters. My Sammy is one of the pickiest eaters, that I have ever had the displeasure of having to deal with. This is hard for me to even understand, because when her sisters where little they all ate pretty much everything. There were a few things they didn't like here and there, but we didn't struggle at every meal the way that I now do with their little sister. And of course because she eats very few things, the little girl has "stomach issues" all of the time. Then it's up to mama to get moving to find ways to help her little tummy feel better, AND in a way that she will actually eat. It's not the easiest of missions, but like any good mom, I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve. One of those tricks, is of course hiding grains inside foods she likes so that her little body gets those much needed nutrients, and so that she can go to the bathroom, at some point. I know that's a bit of TMI, but if you have kids, you will so get me. 

My favorite cereal of all life happens to be Quaker® Simply Granola, which is the yummiest cereal in the world! I get my everyday low price at Walmart for this and all other Quaker® cereals. This cereal is so incredibly good that you don't even realize that it's good for you. But it's filled with 32 grams of whole grains plus real almonds, raisins, and honey! This is the cereal that I treat myself to once or twice a week and when I need Sammy to get those extra grains, this is the same ceral that I turn to for her. But she doesn't like cereal. What?! That's right, unless it's chocolate cereal. she won't eat it, so what do I do? I make pancakes! 

Whisk milk, 1/2 cup of oil, eggs sugar and vanilla in a large bowl. Add four baking powder, and salt and whisk some more. Add the Quaker® Simply Granola and sliced up banana and gently fold into the mix so as not to break the banana up completely. 

Now on a hot skillet place a pad of butter and once that has melted pour mix until you have a medium sized pancake. Let it cook for a minute or two until bottom is golden brown and flip. Slice a bit of banana for topping and add some more Quaker® Simply Granola for added crunch and presentation. Serve hot and enjoy!

These pancakes are filled with so much yummy, crunchy and banana goodness that they are really filling and two is enough per person. As long as I get at least a full one into Sammy, then I am happy. I love watching her dig in to her extra buttered pancake and not even realize she is eating that cereal she refuses to eat for me when I offer it. It's okay to be sneaky when you're a parent, especially when it comes to feeding kids. 

I got everything for this yummy and nutritious recipe on my last trip to Walmart. This is just ONE of the many ways that I use Quaker® cereals (Quaker® Life, Quaker® Oatmeal Squares, Real Medleys®) in other ways than just with milk for my kids. It's always great to think  out of the box and look for new and interesting ways to dress up everyday staples. I hope you will be trying these sinfully delicious pancakes soon. On your next trip to Walmart pick up a box of Quaker® Simply Granola and make your own!