RSVP #NewBreakfastRoutine Twitter Party 1/27 - Sammy Makes Six

RSVP #NewBreakfastRoutine Twitter Party 1/27

Do you love a good Twitter Party? You know we do, and we’re excited to host a party all about starting the year with a new breakfast routine. On January 27, 2015 at 3:00pm ET, please join us for the #NewBreakfastRoutine Twitter Party where we’ll be discussing the importance of having a good breakfast daily and how belVita Bites and V8 Veggie Blends  make it easy to do so. Plus you'll have a chance to win prizes

How's your morning routine? If it's anything like mine, you might be out the door to start a busy day without having the time to get a good breakfast. Right? It happens to all of us. Then by mid-day I am so hungry that I stuff myself with extra fast food. That's no way to reach my goal of a healthier 2015. With our hectic schedules, it's so important to start each day off right. Join me for the #NewBreakfastRoutine Twitter Party so we can chat about the ways belVita Bites and V8 Veggie Blends can help you get a good breakfast so you can keep up with your busy days.

Join me and RSVP for the #NewBreakfastRoutine Twitter Party on SoFab Chats!

DATE: Tuesday, January 27
TIME: 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET
GRAND PRIZE: 1 - $500 Target gift card
PRIZES: 5 - $100 Target Gift Cards
EARLY BIRD PRIZE: 1 - $50 Target Gift Card


How To Participate In A Twitter Party on SoFabChats! 
TIP: How to join a Twitter Party - sign in! Before party starts, click on the green “Sign In On Twitter” bar at the top of the page! 
TIP: Who to follow at a Twitter Party? Follow the Party Team by clicking on the Twitter handle links on the RSVP page!
TIP: Want to win Twitter Party prizes? RSVP by clicking on RSVP button before you join the party, follow everyone on the Party Team, and tweet with the party hashtag during the party to be eligible!
TIP: How to win the Early Bird prize? Watch for chance to share a tweet when you RSVP for chance to win!
TIP: Special deals and brand coupons? Keep that options checked when you RSVP for the party!
TIP: New to Twitter parties? Watch your column and Party Team tweet columns - they are slower paced and easier to follow!
TIIP: Where to find Twitter Parties? Check out the SoFabChats Twitter Party Calendar to find more fun parties to attend! 
Find more helpful Twitter Party Tips on SoFabChats!