RSVP for the #drinkTEN Twitter Party - Sammy Makes Six

RSVP for the #drinkTEN Twitter Party

Do you love a good Twitter Party?  You know we do and we're excited to host a party about Dr Pepper TEN and all of the TEN beverages at Kroger! On Friday, October 10 at 12:00 pm ET, please join me for the #drinkTEN Twitter Party where we’ll be discussing adding TEN beverages to your Fall recipe lineup and giving you a chance to win prizes.

One of the easiest ways for me to cut back on calories is making smarter choices in what I drink during the day. This fall I am incorporating a lot of water into my days, but let's face it, water doesn't always cut it. That's why Dr Pepper TEN and the rest of the TEN lineup have been in my pantry since launching a few months ago. When I feel like I want a glass of cold soda pop, I pull out a Dr Pepper TEN and since it only has ten calories, I don't have to sweat the gain, plus I really love that real soda flavor. Join me for the #drinkTEN Twitter Party on October 10th and let's chat about how this yummy soda pop is giving us our soda fix while not adding up in calories. Hope to see you there!

Join me and RSVP for the #drinkTEN Twitter Party on SoFabChats!

DATE:  Friday, October 10, 2014
TIME:  12:00 to 1:00 pm ET
PRIZES:  10 - (1) $50 Visa Gift Cards & Dr Pepper TEN T-shirt
EARLY BIRD PRIZE:  1 - $50 Visa Gift Card
RSVP & PARTY GRID:  #drinkTEN Twitter Party Page

How To Participate In A Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
TIP:  How to join a Twitter Party – sign in! Before party starts, click on the green “Sign In On Twitter” bar at the top of the page!
TIP: Who to follow at a Twitter Party? Follow the Party Team by clicking on the Twitter handle links on the RSVP page!
TIP: Want to win Twitter Party prizes? RSVP by clicking on RSVP button before you join the party, follow everyone on the Party Team, and tweet with the party hashtag during the party to be eligible!
TIP: How to win the Early Bird prize? Watch for chance to share a tweet when you RSVP for chance to win!
TIP: Special deals and brand coupons? Keep that options checked when you RSVP for the party!
TIP: New to Twitter parties? Watch your column and Party Team tweet columns – they are slower paced and easier to follow!
TIP: Where to find Twitter Parties? Check out the SoFabChats Twitter Party Calendar to find more fun parties to attend!
Find more helpful Twitter Party Tips on SoFabChats!

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