This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Allstate Foundation® and Latina Bloggers. However, all opinions are my own.
Abusive relationships- we all know at least one woman who is trapped in one. Yet almost no one ever wants to talk about it. Maybe you will see her bruises and pretend you didn't see them. Or maybe you WILL talk about it, but it won't be with her, instead you will quietly whisper about it behind her back. Why is it that we find it so hard to say the words out loud, to ask if they are trapped in an abusive relationship and need help? Domestic violence affects one in four women in her lifetime – that’s more women than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer combined. We're not just talking about domestic violence either but financial abuse as well. Financial abuse happens in 98% of all cases of domestic violence and is one of the most powerful ways to keep a victim trapped. I know exactly what financial abuse feels like, when you don't make any of your own money and have no access to funds, you feel absolutely trapped. I really am a perfect example of someone who was once caught in a very unhealthy relationship, trapped with 4 small children and no power or strength to walk away. Lucky for me, he walked away one day and that's the day that I became me. Because of that experience I am much stronger person, because of him I empowered myself and never again will anyone trap me in a similar manner. I alone hold the keys to my future and no one else.
We need to empower our fellow women, no one should ever be stuck in a relationship that hurts them, with a person that abuses of them in any way. Allstate Purple Purse is making it easier to talk about about domestic violence and the financial abuse that traps women in abusive relationships. The program ignites fundraising for more than 140 national, state and local domestic violence organizations. Funds raised will support life-changing financial empowerment services to help domestic violence survivors build safer lives for themselves and their families. Let's help break the cycle-one woman at a time. The Allstate Foundation is investing more than half a million dollars in the Purple Purse Challenge. The more donations each nonprofit gets, the more it can compete for Allstate Foundation incentive funding. Go to between Sept. 2 and Oct. 3 to join the Challenge and help a nonprofit near you. Empowerment is always in style!