My grandson Julius is staying with us right now and do you know how I know when he's awake? When I hear the theme music for Jake The Neverland Pirate coming from his room. Every morning on the dot, that little guy wakes up and watches Disney Junior for two hours while he plays in his room. Then when little Sammy wakes up (she sleeps in a little bit extra each day) she does the same in my room. When you have small children, Disney Junior mornings is where it is all happening.

For the past two weeks our family has been immersed in all things Disney Junior. We had our Disney Junior Fiesta where Sammy and Julius got to catch up with their cousins and some school mates of Sammy's. They listened to their favorite Disney Junior songs, played games, ate pizza and had a blast with the photo booth.
The party is going to be one of Sammy's summer highlights for sure. And that is exactly the kind of memories that I want her to remember when she grows up.

In case you missed it, we also took part in the #DisneyJuniorFamilia Photo-a-Day Challenge for ten days.
You can see all of my families #DisneyJuniorFamilia shares by visiting my social channels. You still have time to submit #DisneyJuniorFamily inspired photos on the Disney Junior Facebook app for a chance to have one of them shown on tv. Wouldn't that be exciting!
Here are a few of the moments of the challenege that stood out for me.
Day 1: Sammy with her pal Mickey and her papa.
Day 4: Taking care of ouchies just like Doc McStuffins.
Day 6: Cuddling with Lambie
Day 9: Magical story time, reading to Julius.
Day 10: Disney movie time. Sammy in her little world of toys watching her tv.
Disney Junior is a part of my family because it allows my little girl to watch her favorite characters, which leads to hours of imaginative play. She will play doctor like Doc McStuffins with all of her dolls, she can pretend to be a princess in her royal castle like Sofia and she can even be a pirate like Jake and his crew. Disney Junior inspires many special moments for my little girl. Who is your child's favorite Disney Junior character?